
rota (rōˈtə)
n. Chiefly British A round or rotation of duties.

See for a calendar of readings throughout the church year. Or click on the links in the table below to go directly to the reading in question!

(Direct link for your phone.)

Notes for those who serve:

Lectors: You are reading the very Word of God. What you read is not printed in the bulletin. If you don’t study ahead of time and understand the story you’re trying to tell, you can be sure your hearers won’t understand. Please prepare in such a way as to honor yourself, your hearers, and your Creator.

Pronunciations can be difficult because the Bible contains names with which we are not familiar in other contexts. This is just one reason preparation ahead of time is important. One resource for looking up unfamiliar pronunciations is at Or ask on your favorite Internet search engine, “How to pronounce ______.” Or, arrive early enough to ask the priest!

Acolytes: Please hang up your vestments! Be sure they fit properly. Your cassock (black) should come about to your ankles or touch your shoes but not hang on the ground. Sleeves should come about to your wrist.

Everyone: We strive to begin each service precisely at the appointed hour in order to honor the time everyone has committed to being there. Please be at church and ready to begin 15 minutes ahead of time. If you are unable to serve at the service assigned it is your responsibility to find a substitute to replace you.

Thank you for serving God’s people with your liturgical leadership.

A schedule for those recording Morning Prayer.