Parish Email for Friday, 4 August 2023

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Kitchen of Hope is still collecting for Tools for Schools.  Donations of all types of school supplies are welcome!  Anticipated distribution will be at the August KoH giveaway.

The ECW will be meeting Thursday, 10 August at 10AM in the Kitchen of Hope garage to pack backpacks for the Tools for Schools distribution the following week.  Discussions and planning for upcoming events will take place as well.  See Linda K. for details.

If you would like to contribute to the altar flowers, as a thanksgiving or memorial, or just to the glory of God, please contact Donna F., at church or via email,, and let her know.

Come to church this weekend for birthday and anniversary blessings!

August Birthdays

2 Barbara C
2 Denise G
3 Harold L
9 William W
9 Brenda M
14 Carol R
17 Glenn D
18 Robert C
23 Barbara K
24 Wanda R
25 Noah G
28 Kimberley H
28 Kristin D
29 Mike K

August Anniversaries

1 Wayne R & Lenore L
4 Jonathan W & Dani A
15 Bob C & Barbara E-C
25 Tal K & Donna F

Are you a meticulous note-taker?  Are you familiar with basic word processing?  Do you have a few hours a month to spare?  We need you!  The Vestry is in search of a person or persons interested in composing agendas and/or taking minutes for each monthly meeting!  Stay in-the-know while assisting in the record keeping of the business of the church.  See anyone in Vestry for more information.

Interested in joining a new ministry but don’t know where to start?  Every week, a different group will be highlighted at the end of the newsletter.  Information about meetings, what they do in the church or community, contact info and more!  If you have content you want to share about your ministry, send it to to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.

Lectionary readings for this week:  Genesis 32:22-31, Romans 9:1-5, Matthew 14:13-21, Psalm 17:1-7, 16

Lectionary readings for next week:  Genesis 37:1-4, 12-28, Romans 10:5-15, Matthew 14:22-33, Psalm 105:1-6, 16-22, 45b

Please continue in your daily prayers for: Joann, Lou, Jennifer, Cameron, Jane, Richard, Bob, Betty, Pam, Jess, Laura, Joann, Gianna, Sandy, Betty, Ginny, Ginny, Tal, Dolly, Dianne

Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to

The church calendar can be seen at for a list of upcoming events. Please help us keep it current (and avoid hurt feelings) by sending updates to the church office (

Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!

Prayer requests can be sent to

Watch our livestream here Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 8am & 10:30am!

Full-text of the liturgy is available at


Summer at St. Thomas’

  • Holy Eucharist (Nave – now with music!): Saturdays, 5:30pm
  • Holy Eucharist in the Nave – Rite I (Nave):  Sundays, 8am
  • Coffee Hour (Parish Hall): Sundays, 10am
  • Holy Eucharist (Nave): Sundays, 10:30am



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