The burial office for Ryan Mondae will be celebrated in the St. Thomas’ Memorial Garden on Saturday at 11am.
Join us for Adult Formation Wednesday night (7pm, via Zoom), featuring a special presentation and Q&A with Episcopal Community Services of New Jersey.
All through the summer we will be collecting funds for Episcopal Community Services. Make your check payable to St. Thomas’ and mark “ECS” in the corner.
St. Thomas’ Church School Picnic will be on Saturday, 7 August, from noon to 6pm. Speak to Terry or Barbara Cadogan about what you would like to bring to share, and be sure to arrive by 2pm to join as we celebrate the Holy Eucharist. There will be no liturgy at the church building that day.
Lectionary readings for this week: 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27, Psalm 130, 2 Corinthians 8:7-15, Mark 5:21-43
Lectionary readings for next week: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10, Psalm 48, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10, Mark 6:1-13
During this season of coronavirus infections, we love others as Jesus loves us by following a simple guideline: Those not fully vaccinated against Covid-19 must wear a mask and practice social distancing while on church grounds. Masks are optional for those who have been fully vaccinated.
From Kathy Iannacone: As many of you know, I present scholarships in Chuck’s memory at GHS (where he taught for many years) and at WHS (the district where he was an administrator). During the pandemic, I realized that the seniors had missed so much, so I doubled it to two scholarships at each school for the past two years. Thanks to our St. Thomas family members who attend my yearly fundraiser which enables these scholarships. I’m very proud to announce the following recipients of the Charles D. Folker Memorial Foundation scholarships:
- GHS: Hannah Sheffield, Julianna Menna
- WHS: Jake Helsel, Kiley Seitzinger
When Chuck retired, the MTEA created an award, the Charles Folker Citizenship Award. After we lost him, I decided to commemorate this award with a perpetual trophy which is engraved yearly, adding the name of the new recipient, which remains on display in WMS. I also present the recipient with a smaller trophy as a keepsake. This year’s recipient is: Ruth Oke. Congratulations to these outstanding young adults!
Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to
See the official St. Thomas’ calendar for a list of upcoming events.
Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!
Summer 2021 at St. Thomas’
- Holy Eucharist on Lawn: Sundays, 10am
- Centering Prayer Online: Mondays, 4pm
- Holy Eucharist at Lychgate: Wednesdays, 5.30pm (except in July)
- Holy Eucharist in Nave: Saturdays, 6pm (Evening Prayer in July)
- Live-streaming of Holy Eucharist: Saturdays, 6pm (Evening Prayer in July)
Adult Formation (all online):
- Book Group: Mondays, 7pm (except July)
- Bible Study: Tuesdays, 7pm
- Presentation to St. Thomas’ by Episcopal Community Services of New Jersey: Wednesday, 30 June, 7pm.
- “Seeing Dead People”: Historical Controversies of the Christian Faith, led by Jonathan Wilson: Wednesdays, 7pm (7, 14, 21 July)
VBS: 18-22 July (registration deadline 1 July)
Church Picnic at Camp Sun N’ Fun: 7 August, Noon (Holy Eucharist at 2pm)
Family Movie Night on the Lawn: 27 August, 7.30pm
Rally Day & Picnic: 12 September, Picnic follows 10am service