From the Anti-Racism Committe of the Diocese of New Jersey
The impetus for America to finally react to 400 years of racial injustice was to witness a white man’s abuse of privilege, abuse of law enforcement power, and dehumanized regard for the sacred breath of a black man. It’s the continuation of a shameful sin and a shameful history. Black people who were never accused of any crime lost their lives to lynching (3,446 documented, but likely many more) but no cell phone videos recorded the murders. It is time for true repentance and real change. Please join conversations in the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey in the next few days to pray, listen, learn, repent, and commit to action for racial justice.
Let’s talk about America’s shameful sin of racism. Let’s listen to black people tell their experiences in the land of liberty and justice for all. Let’s pray for guidance and talk about what needs to be done. Members of the Diocese of New Jersey Anti-Racism Team will lead open discussions on the current racial injustice crisis. Register to connect to the zoom discussions. 2:00 – 3:30 PM, Sunday, June 7 8:00 – 9:30 PM, Sunday, June 7 4:00 – 5:30 PM, Monday, June 8