Category Archives: Expired Notices
Kitchen of Hope
Kitchen of Hope serves this coming weekend, 9 February. Come out on Friday the 8th to help set up and on Saturday starting at around 8am to help with the distribution.
Black History Month
Celebration of Black History Month at St. Thomas’ begins on Sunday, Feb. 3rd with the Rev. Canon Brian Jemmott as the guest preacher at both 8 and 10 a.m. worship services. Currently serving as the diocesan Canon to the Ordinary, … Continue reading
Annual Meeting
This week, 27 January, we have a combined service at 9am and our Annual Meeting following.
Renewal of Ministry
Everyone is invited to a Renewal of Ministry with the Welcoming of the Reverend Todd Foster as Rector of St. Thomas’ on Sunday, 18 November at 3pm. The Right Reverend William H. Stokes, presiding.
Ham & Oyster Supper
Election Day, Tuesday, November 6 2018 1.30pm-6pm Parish Hall – Handicap Accessible Eat In: $25 Adults/$8 Children Take Out: $22 Enjoy Ham & Oysters, with the fixin’s, and pie for dessert. This is the 91st year we have held this … Continue reading