Category Archives: Expired Notices
Dinner Church Begins 11 Sept!
Beginning September 11!
About Immigration
What is the response of the Episcopal Church to the border crisis? Find out in this video from Presiding Bishop Curry and the Episcopal Church:
Fall Flea Market
St. Thomas’ Fall Flea Market is coming up on Saturday, 7 September, from 8am-2pm (rain date 21 September). Spaces are $15, or $20 to include a table and two chairs. This is a fundraiers for the church school: volunteers are … Continue reading
GrowthFest 2019
This weekend is a festival of workshops for spiritual growth, all meeting together at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton! Whether you are interested in the Way of St. Paul, the Anti-Racism Commission, Episcopal Church Women, or Project Resource, we hope to … Continue reading
Bell Tower Restoration
Thank you to everyone who gave to the Ray Stevens and Carl Pape Memorial Bell Tower Fundraiser! Donate
Violin Recital
Violin Recital Ian Hipps of Rowan University presents works by Bach, Telemann, Hovhaness, and more. Bring a non-perishable food donation for the SHOP (food bank on campus). April 27, 6:30pm at St. Thomas’!
Spring Concert 2019
Spring Concert 2019 Rowan Women’s & Men’s Choirs Including a Debut of Ben’s new composition, “Be With Me” Tuesday, April 23 at 8pm Pfleeger Concert Hall
RoVo Concert 2019
Join us on Saturday night, 13 April, at 7pm for a concert by the Rowan Vocals, an a capella group which includes Ben Burnham, our choir director. Admission is free; bring a non-perishable food item to share with the Samaritan … Continue reading
Requiem Eucharist for Carl Pape
Rest eternal grant to him: Carl Pape “I am Resurrection and I am Life, says the Lord. Carl Joseph Pape died on Thursday, March 21st, 2019. He is survived by his wife, Freda, and children (Gretchen, Diane, and CJ), grandchildren, … Continue reading