Author Archives: T Foster
About Immigration
What is the response of the Episcopal Church to the border crisis? Find out in this video from Presiding Bishop Curry and the Episcopal Church:
NYC Trip
St. Thomas’ Youth traveled to New York City this past week to have a fun day of community building! They are pictured here on the steps of St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church right by Central Park!
Summer Improvements
St. Thomas’ is the campus that never sleeps! Thank you to those involved in improvement projects all around our campus this summer. You are empowering ministry all through the year!
The ECW teamed up with Kitchen of Hope last week to pack some “Tools for Schools” backpacks. St. Thomas’ honors God and loves our neighbor in our tireless and creative outreach efforts!
VBS 2019
St. Thomas’ hosted VBS all week! Nearly 30 children learned about the good news of God’s love for them with the support of more than 15 volunteers, adults and youth. Teaching others about Jesus: this is what the church is … Continue reading
Fall Flea Market
St. Thomas’ Fall Flea Market is coming up on Saturday, 7 September, from 8am-2pm (rain date 21 September). Spaces are $15, or $20 to include a table and two chairs. This is a fundraiers for the church school: volunteers are … Continue reading
Meditation Garden
Did you know that St. Thomas’ has a Meditation Garden? It’s a beautiful place to sit, enjoy the breeze, and listen to the birds. Thanks to the hard work of many, the St. Thomas’ campus is a beautiful place to … Continue reading
GrowthFest 2019
This weekend is a festival of workshops for spiritual growth, all meeting together at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton! Whether you are interested in the Way of St. Paul, the Anti-Racism Commission, Episcopal Church Women, or Project Resource, we hope to … Continue reading
End of Sunday School
This week we marked the completion Sunday School and Children’s Chapel for the summer with a combined service, awards, and a trip to a Trampoline park. Thank you to teachers & parents who help make Children’s Chapel and Sunday School … Continue reading