Morning Prayer for Friday, 22 April 2022
Parish Email for Friday, 22 April 2022
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Are you interested in growing in your spiritual walk? Join us for four Sundays, starting this week, as we study the Basics of Discipleship. We are meeting in the Parish Hall on Sundays at 9am.
The next feast day on which baptisms are especially appropriate is Pentecost, 5 June. Please talk to Father Todd right away if you are interested in baptism for yourself or your little one!
Diocesan Confirmations are scheduled for Saturday, 7 May, at 10am at the Cathedral in Trenton. Please speak to Father Todd if you would like to be confirmed, received, or reaffirmed.
This weekend is ECS Sunday! Episcopal Community Services is a Diocese-wide organization that supports our churches’ efforts to make the world a better place by meeting the needs of our neighbors. Contributions (besides pledges) made in the offering plate Saturday and Sunday will be given to ECS. Please consider throwing a little extra into the plate!
The Sunday 10.30 Eucharist will meet in the nave this week. Saturday night (5.30pm) this week and next there will be piano accompaniment. The midweek Eucharist on Wednesdays at 5.30pm will move back outside in May except in cases of rain.
Our COVID protocol is following the CDC guidelines for Gloucester County. Masks are not presently required, but always welcome. Please be sure to stay on top of your recommended vaccinations and masking to protect all those you love.
Pledge Report for March
March pledge: $13,830.83
March given: $16,336.00 118%
YTD pledge. $42,617.49
YTD given. $45,485.00 107%
Friday, 22 April 2022 – all proceeds will go to Episcopal Relief & Development!
If you would like to contribute to the work of Episcopal Relief & Development serving refugees from Ukraine, you can donate here.
Lectionary readings for this week: Acts 5:27-32, Revelation 1:4-8, John 20:19-31, Psalm 118:14-29
Lectionary readings for next week: Acts 9:1-6, (7-20), Revelation 5:11-14, John 21:1-19, Psalm 30
Please continue in your daily prayers for:Dennis, Marge, Joann, Jennifer, Lou, Mary Esther, Chuck, Andrea, Joey, Ruth, Mike, Karen, Marie, Timmy, Katheryne
Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to
The church calendar can be seen at https://www.stthomasglassboro.
Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!
Prayer requests can be sent to
Watch us live on Twitch Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 10:30am!
Full-text of the liturgy is available at
The Great 50 Days of Easter at St. Thomas’
- Holy Eucharist in the Nave and Streaming online: Sundays, 10:30am
- Centering Prayer Online: Mondays, 4pm
- Holy Eucharist in the Nave: Wednesdays, 5.30pm
- Holy Eucharist in the Nave and Streaming online: Saturdays, 5:30pm