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The CDC COVID-19 Community Level is HIGH.
This means masks are required at any indoor gatherings at St. Thomas’, including gatherings for worship.
Our Sunday gatherings will be moved to the Parish Hall beginning this weekend.
Kitchen of Hope is tomorrow, Saturday, 14 May. Contact Vivian H. (856-366-8461) if you’d like to help!
All ladies are invited to attend a short ECW meeting on the lawn after the 10:30 service, this Sunday, May 15th. Please bring a chair and any thoughts on what we’re ready to do after two years apart!
On 22 May 2022, the Sunday School will be holding a Community Clean Up Fund Raising Event with Gloucester County. Come out and not only help clean up our community, but also the Sunday School. We will be leaving the parish hall at 12:00 pm to head to our designated area to clean up.
Wednesday’s Outdoors Eucharist is on summer hiatus. Join us when we begin again in September. Please note that Sunday Eucharists (10.30am) will be moving outdoors (weather permitting) beginning with the Feast of Pentecost on 5 June.
Centering Prayer (Mondays, 4pm) will be *online only* for the next two weeks. If you would like to host the in-person portion of Centering Prayer occasionally through the summer, and connect it with our online cohort, please contact Father Todd.
The results of the May blood drive are in! Thank you to everyone who came out and donated:
Goal: 25
Presented: 27
Deferred: 3
QNS: 1
Power Red: 3
*Total Units 26 = up to 78 hospital patients helped!*
We want to hear from you! The Strengths and Interests Committee is conducting a survey so we can learn more about our parishioners – what are your strengths or talents? What are your interests? Your prompt participation is appreciated, however, please submit no later than June 5th.
- The survey is streamlined and takes no more than 10 minutes to complete
- Each family member should complete the survey individually
- Easily completed on a computer, mobile phone, iPad
- A summary of responses will be shared (anonymously) after survey completion
- Survey Link:
- You may scan the QR code below to access the survey
- If you require a paper copy to complete the survey, please contact Jo-Ann T. at (856) 889-7855 or Devin D. at (856) 745-0291.
The next feast day on which baptisms are especially appropriate is Pentecost, 5 June. Please talk to Father Todd right away if you are interested in baptism for yourself or your little one!
In celebration of Pride Month, join us for a new Adult Formation offering, Hearts Unbound. The overwhelming message of the Bible, in story after story, is that of God’s radical love and welcome. Every time we think we know who’s in and who’s out, God does something to challenge those assumptions, to unbind our hearts and minds from old ways of understanding, and to draw the circle ever wider. This is setup in a fun, informal reader’s theater – no costumes or props! Readers needed! Contact Sarah T. for questions/more info. Starting 5 June at 9 AM in the Parish Hall.
Want to get involved in easy behind-the-scenes work for our worship services? We are recruiting videographers to run our live streams each week. It’s not as hard as it sounds and training is available. Contact Father Todd or your service’s videographer for more information.
Curious about what the Episcopal Church says about abortion?
Our COVID protocol is following the CDC guidelines for Gloucester County. Masks are not presently required, but always welcome. Please be sure to stay on top of your recommended vaccinations and masking to protect all those you love.
If you would like to contribute to the work of Episcopal Relief & Development serving refugees from Ukraine, you can donate here.
Lectionary readings for this week: Acts 11:1-18, Revelation 21:1-6, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148
Lectionary readings for next week: Acts 16:9-15, Revelation 21:10, 22-22:5, John 13:31-35, Psalm 148
Please continue in your daily prayers for: Dennis, Marge, Joann, Jennifer, Lou, Mary Esther, Chuck, Marie, Ruth, Craig, Ethan, Erin, Jason, Michael, Catherine, Kimberly, Lois, Hope, Jack, Ginny, Cheryl, Steve, Eddie, Chase
Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to
The church calendar can be seen at for a list of upcoming events. Please help us keep it current (and avoid hurt feelings) by sending updates to the church office (
Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!
Prayer requests can be sent to
Watch our livestream here Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 10:30am!
Full-text of the liturgy is available at
The Great 50 Days of Easter at St. Thomas’
- Holy Eucharist in the Nave and Streaming online: Sundays, 10:30am
- Centering Prayer Online: Mondays, 4pm
- Holy Eucharist in the Nave: Wednesdays, 5.30pm
- Holy Eucharist in the Nave and Streaming online: Saturdays, 5:30pm