Morning Prayer for Friday, 10 March 2023
Parish Email for Friday, 10 March 2023
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The CDC COVID-19 Community Level is MEDIUM. This means masks are not required but still not a bad idea! COVID exposures (being around someone who has COVID but doesn’t realize it yet) are still happening, including at church.
This weekend it is time to “Spring Forward.” Your cell phone and computers will likely take care of themselves. Other clocks should be set forward by an hour before you go to bed Saturday night to avoid showing up late Sunday!
This Sunday, we continue the Adult Forum series “The Way of Love.” Led by Deacon John and promoted by Bishop Curry, this program ties the Easter Vigil readings to the seven practices of the Way of Love. Each week lessons will be introduced, via video provided in the newsletter, and explored. Weekly videos can also be viewed on the Adult Forum page of the website.
The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed. This Lent, communities are invited to walk with Jesus in his Way of Love and into the experience of transformed life. Together, we will reflect anew on the loving actions of God as recounted in the Easter Vigil readings. Together, we will walk through the depths of salvation history into the fullness of redemption.
Session Three / LEARN: Learn Wisdom and Live (Proverbs 8:1-8, 19-21; 9:4b-6)
Kitchen of Hope is tomorrow, Saturday, 11 March. Contact Vivian H. (856-366-8461) if you’d like to help!
TEC@RU continues it’s Monthly Concert Series on Sunday, 12 March at 6PM. Come listen to talented Rowan music students and show them that St. Thomas’ welcomes their presence! This month features a Jazz Quartet, starting at 6PM in the nave.
Stations of the Cross, convened by Sara J. will take place every Friday in Lent at 7pm.
February is past, but Black History remains relevant! Bishop Stokes invites you to join the Anti-Racism Commission in welcoming guest speaker Jemar Tisby, author of the excellent book The Color of Compromise: the Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism. Tisby will be speaking with the Diocese of New Jersey via Zoom on Tuesday, March 14, at 7pm. (Sign up here!)
Diocesan Convention was last weekend. You can watch the recording online here or skip right to the Bishop’s address here.
St. Thomas’ has a history of holding a “Garden Watch” on Maundy Thursday. This is when we sit quietly in the presence of the sacrament remaining from our last Eucharist before the Easter Vigil, as the disciples sat with Jesus after the Last Supper. Would you like to participate? If so, please email (or leave a voicemail on the church line: 856.881.9144) stating what times you would like to watch. See what slots are already filled on the St. Thomas’ rota: https://www.stthomasglassboro.
Creative Readings for the Easter Vigil (8 April, 6pm) are being claimed, but there’s still room for you! Please email to sign up for one:
Reading 3 Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21 [Israel’s deliverance at the Red Sea]
Reading 4 Isaiah 55:1-11 [Salvation offered freely to all]
Reading 5 Baruch 3:9-15, 3:32-4:4
Reading 7 Zephaniah 3:14-20 [The gathering of God’s people]
St. Thomas’ is aiming for two tables (of ten persons each) to attend the Bishop’s Farewell gala, benefiting Episcopal Community Services! Will you join us? Please contact Donna F. to sign up or for more information.
Are you a Glassboro resident? Rowan University wants to give back to you! This year volunteer students will be assigned to visit local houses on the afternoon of 23 April to do outdoor chores: raking leaves, pulling weeds, painting, or anything else you need help with. If you live in Glassboro and would be interested in students working outdoors at your home, please contact or 856-256-4597 before 17 March.
Partner with Episcopal Relief & Development to provide support to people affected by the deadly earthquake along the border between Türkiye (Turkey) and Syria. Visit today to make a contribution to the Türkiye (Turkey)-Syria Earthquake Response Fund
Join our neighbors at St. Peter’s, Clarksboro for their annual Crab Cake Supper, 3-6 pm Saturday, 18 March. Dine-In or Carry-Out tickets are available at
Back by popular demand: the Van Ministry is officially reinstating their services for the 10:30 am Sunday service! Have some time you can donate to driving members to church? The Van Ministry is not a life long or difficult commitment! Even one day can make a huge difference to members who cannot otherwise get to a service. Contact Sarah T. If you would like to be added to the roster. Additionally, if you would like a ride to church via the church van, please call or email the office so we can build our schedule. Anticipated start date for services is set for 2 April.
Interested in joining a new ministry but don’t know where to start? Every week, a different group will be highlighted at the end of the newsletter. Information about meetings, what they do in the church or community, contact info and more! If you have content you want to share about your ministry, send it to to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
Lectionary readings for this week: Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95
Lectionary readings for next week: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Ephesians 5:8-14, John 9:1-41, Psalm 23
Please continue in your daily prayers for: Dennis, Marge, Joann, Lou, Jennifer, Cameron, Jane, Richard, Bea, Sue, Lenore, John, Becky, Bill, Terryon, Melissa, Daniel, Annette, Roy, Ginny, Harley, Bob, Andrea, Gilberto, Mary Esther, Braelynn
Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to
The church calendar can be seen at https://www.stthomasglassboro.
Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!
Prayer requests can be sent to
Watch our livestream here Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 8am & 10:30am!
Full-text of the liturgy is available at
Winter at St. Thomas’
- Holy Eucharist (Nave – now with music!): Saturdays, 5:30pm
- Holy Eucharist in the Nave – Rite I (Nave): Sundays, 8am
- Adult Formation (Parish Hall): Sundays, 9am
- Children’s Sunday School (Parish Hall): Sundays, 9am
- Coffee Hour (Parish Hall): Sundays, 10am
- Holy Eucharist (Parish Hall): Sundays, 10:30am
- Centering Prayer (Nave): Mondays at 4pm (also on Zoom)
- Holy Eucharist at Lych Gate (most times): Wednesdays, 5:30pm
Morning Prayer for Thursday, 9 March 2023
Morning Prayer for Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Morning Prayer for Tuesday, 7 March 2023
Morning Prayer for Monday, 6 March 2023
Morning Prayer for Saturday, 4 March 2023
Morning Prayer for Friday, 3 March 2023
Parish Email for Friday, 3 March 2023
View this email in your browser.
The CDC COVID-19 Community Level is MEDIUM. This means masks are not required but still not a bad idea! COVID exposures (being around someone who has COVID but doesn’t realize it yet) are still happening, including at church.
This Sunday, we continue the Adult Forum series “The Way of Love.” Led by Deacon John and promoted by Bishop Curry, this program ties the Easter Vigil readings to the seven practices of the Way of Love. Each week lessons will be introduced, via video provided in the newsletter, and explored. Weekly videos can also be viewed on the Adult Forum page of the website.
The journey through Lent into Easter is a journey with Jesus. We are baptized into his life, self-giving, and death; then, we rise in hope to life transformed. This Lent, communities are invited to walk with Jesus in his Way of Love and into the experience of transformed life. Together, we will reflect anew on the loving actions of God as recounted in the Easter Vigil readings. Together, we will walk through the depths of salvation history into the fullness of redemption.
Session Two / PRAY: Israel’s Deliverance at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:10-15:1)
Stations of the Cross, convened by Sara J. will take place every Friday in Lent at 7pm.
St. Thomas’ has a history of holding a “Garden Watch” on Maundy Thursday. This is when we sit quietly in the presence of the sacrament remaining from our last Eucharist before the Easter Vigil, as the disciples sat with Jesus after the Last Supper. Would you like to participate? If so, please email (or leave a voicemail on the church line: 856.881.9144) stating what times you would like to watch. See what slots are already filled on the St. Thomas’ rota: https://www.stthomasglassboro.
Creative Readings for the Easter Vigil (8 April, 6pm) are being claimed, but there’s still room for you! Please email to sign up for one:
Reading 3 Exodus 14:10-31; 15:20-21 [Israel’s deliverance at the Red Sea]
Reading 4 Isaiah 55:1-11 [Salvation offered freely to all]
Reading 5 Baruch 3:9-15, 3:32-4:4
Reading 7 Zephaniah 3:14-20 [The gathering of God’s people]
St. Thomas’ is aiming for two tables (of ten persons each) to attend the Bishop’s Farewell gala, benefiting Episcopal Community Services! Will you join us? Please contact Donna F. to sign up or for more information.
Partner with Episcopal Relief & Development to provide support to people affected by the deadly earthquake along the border between Türkiye (Turkey) and Syria. Visit today to make a contribution to the Türkiye (Turkey)-Syria Earthquake Response Fund
Come to church this weekend for birthday and anniversary blessings!
March Birthdays
2 Susan C.
3 Andrea R.
18 Rose S.
18 Lily S.
18 Marie J.
20 Brandon D.
20 Tara S.
26 Lois M.
27 Tom V.
30 Matthew O.
30 Kate A.-W.
March Anniversaries
29 Deacon John & Vivian H.
February pledge: $13,765.67
February given: $12,707.07 92.31%
YTD pledge. 29,184.33
YTD given . $34,255.22 117.38%
St. Thomas’ is in dire need of an annual audit. Audits provide valuable information about the missional health of the church: where we’ve been, where we are, and where we’re going. The process of forming such a committee has been in the works for over a year and 2023 is the year in which we hope to see that dream realized. Currently in search of 1 or 2 more people to fill out the roster for this project.
Anatomy of an Audit Committee according to the Diocese of NJ:
- Committee members should be independent of the decision making and financial record keeping functions of the congregation.
- The committee should include at least one financial expert.
- Someone with knowledge of accounting, but not necessarily a CPA.
You can view more information on what the Diocese suggests this role should require here. Please contact Tal K. if you are interested in taking part of this important project.
Interested in joining a new ministry but don’t know where to start? Every week, a different group will be highlighted at the end of the newsletter. Information about meetings, what they do in the church or community, contact info and more! If you have content you want to share about your ministry, send it to to be featured in an upcoming newsletter.
Lectionary readings for this week: Genesis 12:1-4a, Romans 4:1-5, 13-17, John 3:1-17, Psalm 121
Lectionary readings for next week: Exodus 17:1-7, Romans 5:1-11, John 4:5-42, Psalm 95
Please continue in your daily prayers for: Dennis, Marge, Joann, Lou, Jennifer, Mary Esther, Cameron, Jane, Lori, Richard, Bea, Sue, Lenore, John, Becky, Bill, Theresa, Bennett, Terryon, Melissa, Daniel, Annette, Roy, Ginny, Harley, Bob, Andrea
Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to
The church calendar can be seen at https://www.stthomasglassboro.
Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!
Prayer requests can be sent to
Watch our livestream here Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 8am & 10:30am!
Full-text of the liturgy is available at
Winter at St. Thomas’
- Holy Eucharist (Nave – now with music!): Saturdays, 5:30pm
- Holy Eucharist in the Nave – Rite I (Nave): Sundays, 8am
- Adult Formation (Parish Hall): Sundays, 9am
- Children’s Sunday School (Parish Hall): Sundays, 9am
- Coffee Hour (Parish Hall): Sundays, 10am
- Holy Eucharist (Parish Hall): Sundays, 10:30am
- Centering Prayer (Nave): Mondays at 4pm (also on Zoom)
- Holy Eucharist at Lych Gate (most times): Wednesdays, 5:30pm