Sarah Ternay organized a fabulous potluck and game night last Sunday night! Thank you to Sarah and to everyone who came out to make it a delightful time of laughter and togetherness. And lots of great food!
Parish Potluck & Games November 2019
Advent 2019
Looking for ways to celebrate Advent at home? Maybe start here:
Part 1: Starting a New Family Tradition
For more videos and other resources, check out the Diocese of NJ page of advent resources.
Ham & Oyster 2019
St. Thomas’ once again (for the 92nd time!) pulled together to offer our locally famous Ham & Oyster supper on Election Day!
Pepper Hash 2019
Making Pepper Hash! ‘Tis the season for hair nets, large knives, and working together with friends, new and old.
Grungy Crop Pumpkins 2019
This weekend has become an annual trifecta: Grungy Sunday plus the Crop Walk plus Pizza and Pumpkins. At St. Thomas’ we’re not very good at choosing: we prefer to say “yes!” to everything! Thank you to everyone who helped out with these events: most of you with more than one of them!
Pre-Grungy Sunday 2019
Guess what? “Pre-Grungy Sunday” work is already going on, getting ready for the Ham & Oyster Supper. But it’s not too late for you to join the fun! Come out this Sunday to receive Communion in your “grungies,” then let’s get to work preparing a hospitable campus for the hundreds of visitors we will receive on 5 November!
Pet Blessing 2019
This weekend was the Feast of St. Francis, when many like to offer a blessing of the animals. St. Francis saw God’s handiwork everywhere he looked, which meant that even the animals were deserving of care and honor as they, too, are God’s gracious gift. We blessed the pets on Saturday and the children’s stuffed animals on Sunday!
Ladies’ Tea 2019
The 2019 Ladies’ Tea was a huge success! Thank you to the many women and men who put time into setting up, serving, and cleaning up afterwards!
Dinner Church 2019
Dinner Church has begun again! This is a meal, Bible Study, and time of worship for young adults (college-aged or thereabouts). If you would like to help out with meals or supplies, please speak to Becky Foster!