Sheer Christianity — Chapter 1, part 1
Sheer Christianity — Introduction
Current Events – April 2020
All events on campus are canceled due to the ongoing pandemic. Get more information on Covid-19 and our parish.
In the meantime, all events are taking place online using Zoom.
Or join us for other worship opportunities such as:
- Daily Morning Prayer (Monday through Saturday)
- Podcasts (currently: Sheer Christianity by Sam Portaro)
- Nightly Compline with our neighbors at St. Stephen’s, Mullica Hill (Monday through Friday)
- The Psalm 119 project at St. Thomas’
- Sacred Music at Home
- Download the Book of Common Prayer
You might also like to read our weekly newsletter.
STO: Enneagram, Part 1 of 2
Recording of Adult Formation on Enneagram (1/2) Led by Aviva F. on 19 April 2020.
- Tests:
- Enneagram institute – detailed results – $12
- Unofficial test – commonly used – free
- Remember that these tests can only give an estimated prediction of which type you are—the only way that’s completely accurate is to research & reflect!
- Books:
- The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson
- The Sacred Enneagram by Chris Heuertz
- The Modern Enneagram by Kacie Berghoef and Melanie Bell
- The Enneagram: a Christian Perspective by Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert
- Music:
Sleeping at Last wrote a song for each type, meant more for entertainment than anything else, and they are not only beautiful but very well thought-out. He even has a podcast with episodes where he discusses the process of creating them.
STO: Easter 2, 19 April 2020
- 8.00am: Morning Prayer with Sermon (recorded video)
- 9.00am: Sunday School for Children
- 10.00am: Adult Formation Aviva F. introduces the Enneagram (week 1/2)
- 11.15am: Holy Eucharist with Spiritual Communion
at the Washington National Cathedral
Resources about the Enneagram for Adult Formation:
- Tests:
- Enneagram institute – detailed results – $12
- Unofficial test – commonly used – free
- Remember that these tests can only give an estimated prediction of which type you are—the only way that’s completely accurate is to research & reflect!
- Books:
- The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Don Richard Riso and Russ Hudson
- The Sacred Enneagram by Chris Heuertz
- The Modern Enneagram by Kacie Berghoef and Melanie Bell
- The Enneagram: a Christian Perspective by Richard Rohr and Andreas Ebert
- Music:
Sleeping at Last wrote a song for each type, meant more for entertainment than anything else, and they are not only beautiful but very well thought-out. He even has a podcast with episodes where he discusses the process of creating them.
Morning Prayer with Sermon
Need your help:
- St. Thomas’ Psalm 119 Project is almost done!
Nightly Compline
9.00pm: Compline with St. Stephen’s, Mullica Hill
Join us for nightly (Monday through Saturday) compline with our neighbors at St. Stephen’s, Mullica Hill.
Broadcast nightly.
Information about St. Thomas’
Due to the current outbreak of the Covid-19 Virus, all activities on the church campus are suspended until further notice. This suspension of activities began on Friday, 13 March 2020, in by the direction of our Bishop in consultation with medical experts and clergy from across the Diocese.
Our buildings may be closed, but our church continues to operate! We have two primary functions during this time of disruption:
- To worship God
- To care for one another
We will continue in our worship individually, using the Prayer Book, Lenten guides, or other resources. We will continue in our worship collectively, using Zoom or videos linked on the St. Thomas’ website, on the Diocesan website, or elsewhere.
We will care for one another in various ways, including:
- Meeting together on Zoom for meetings, conversations, and studies
- Calling one another regularly on the phone
- Providing for the needs of any who find themselves stuck at home and running out of essentials
- Other ways the Holy Spirit teaches us
While we fast from weekly worship together, we can remain united in heart, in purpose, and in encouragement. This is our unasked-for Lenten discipline, from which we can look forward with new zeal to the day of Resurrection.
During this time, please feel free to communicate with friends in the parish or to contact the church office via telephone (856.881.9144) or email ( The phone will not be answered, but messages will be checked frequently.
Current Events – April 2020
All events on campus are canceled due to the ongoing pandemic. Get more information on Covid-19 and our parish.
In the mean time, all events are taking place online using Zoom.
Or join us for other worship opportunities such as:
- Daily Morning Prayer (Monday through Saturday)
- Podcasts (currently: The Episcopal Way)
- Nightly Compline with our neighbors at St. Stephen’s, Mullica Hill (Monday through Friday)
- The Psalm 119 project at St. Thomas’
- Sacred Music at Home
- Download the Book of Common Prayer
Resources for Holy Week at Home: Easter Sunday, 12 April 2020
The entire service, pre-recorded, is at the bottom of this post.
Separate resources for celebrating the service at home are above it.
This service will be celebrated live online at 10am on Easter Sunday.
Available here (or here)
Opening Hymn
That Easter Day with Joy was Bright by the St. Thomas’ Choir
Gloria en excelsis by the St. Thomas’ Choir
Second Canticle (replacement)
Jesus is Lord of All the Earth by the St. Thomas’ Choir
by the Rev. Todd Foster, Rector
Closing Hymn
Jesus Christ is Risen Today by the St. Thomas’ Choir
Entire Service
STO: Easter Sunday, 12 April 2020
- 8.00am: Easter Sunday: Ante-communion with Sermon
Ante-Communion (The Liturgy of the Word) with sermon (pre-recorded) - 9.00am: Sunday School for Children
- 10.00am: Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of Our Lord
Ante-Communion (The Liturgy of the Word) with sermon, live
Worship guide available here (or here) - 11.15am: Holy Eucharist with Spiritual Communion
at the Washington National Cathedral
Other Notable Worship Opportunities
- 10.00am: Easter Sunday at Trinity Cathedral in Trenton
A Special Message
Need your help:
- St. Thomas’ Psalm 119 Project