Parish Email for Friday, 11 February 2022


Kitchen of Hope is tomorrow, Saturday, 12 February.  Contact Vivian H. (856-366-8461) if you’d like to help!

Congratulations on a successful drive and exceeding our blood drive goal! Please share these wonderful results with the church and all who supported. We will be able to reach up to 81 hospital patients in need. These donations are so very much needed right now and we could not be more grateful for each and every donor who came to give so generously and for the support for the church.

Goal – 24
Presented – 29
Deferred – 3
QNS – 1
Power Red – 2
*Total units – 27 = up to 81 hospital patients helped!*

Join us tomorrow, February 12, for our diocesan Discipleship Conference! This one-day conference on Zoom will highlight a variety of topics that can help equip us and others for lifelong ministry as disciples of Jesus Christ. All are welcome—clergy, lay leaders, and all disciples! More info and registration:


Sunday night Bible Study is cancelled this Sunday, 13 February.  Please join us next week!

Our Sunday night Bible Study continues  with our series on Women in the Bible. Join us online at 7pm on Sunday nights through the season of Epiphany for a look at key women in the Bible, their stories, their challenges and their roles in leadership, faith, and evangelism. Topics will include, Mothers and Daughters, Mothers and Sons, Women Leaders in Challenging Times, Women of Faith, Women Rivals, and more.


Daily Covid Cases can be found for Gloucester County here.

Lectionary readings for this week:  Jeremiah 17:5-10, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Luke 6:17-26, Psalm 1

Lectionary readings for next week:  Genesis 45:3-11, 15, 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50, Luke 6:27-38, Psalm 37:1-12, 41-42

Please continue in your daily prayers for: Dennis, Marge, Joann, Jennifer, Lou, Marilyn, Mary Esther, Ginny, Lois, Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, TX, Chris, Noah, Lily, Laura, Stephanie, Deborah, John, Janis, Joe, Josh, Kate, Chuck, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Nancy, Julie, Michelle, Ryan, Max

Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to

The church calendar can be seen at for a list of upcoming events. Please help us keep it current (and avoid hurt feelings) by sending updates to the church office (

Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!

Watch us live on Twitch Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 10:30am!

Full-text of the liturgy is available at


Winter 2022 at St. Thomas’

  • Holy Eucharist in the Parish Hall and Streaming online: Sundays, 10:30am
  • Bible Study on Women in the Bible Online:  Sundays, 7pm
  • Centering Prayer Online: Mondays, 4pm
  • Holy Eucharist at the Lychgate: Wednesdays, 5.30pm
  • Holy Eucharist in the Nave and Streaming online: Saturdays, 5:30pm


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Black History Month Celebration

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Epiphany 5 / Black History Month

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Notices for 4 Feb 2022

The Covid-19 infection rates for Gloucester county are coming down, but still high. For your own sake and that of others, please only come to church if you are fully vaccinated and have no sign of a sniffle or cough.  Masks are required regardless of vaccination status. Services can be viewed online by going to

Bible Study: Join us on Zoom Sunday night at 7pm as we engage with Women in the Bible: An eight week look at the key women in the Bible, their stories, their challenges and their roles in leadership, faith, and evangelism.

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Parish Email for Friday, 4 February 2022


Join us this Sunday as we kick off Black History Month with a special service of music and reflections.

This weekend we will commission our Vestry and Wardens, and celebrate Birthdays and Anniversaries for February! Join us Saturday at 5.30pm or Sunday at 10.30am, in-person or online.

Congratulations and thank you to our leaders elected by St. Thomas’ for 2022:
Elected to Vestry are Donna Freidel, Jim Gibbs, Carl Kinsley, and Sarah Ternay.
Elected Junior Warden is Wayne Rowbotham.
Elected as delegates to Diocesan Convention are Becky Foster, Donna Freidel, Bobby Kramer.
Elected as delegates to Woodbury Convocation are, Cole Banning, Eric Cephas, Becky Foster, Gretchen Owen, Rachael Owen, and Stephanie Wolfgang.


Our Sunday night Bible Study continues on 6 February with our series on Women in the Bible. Join us online at 7pm on Sunday nights through the season of Epiphany for a look at key women in the Bible, their stories, their challenges and their roles in leadership, faith, and evangelism. Topics will include, Mothers and Daughters, Mothers and Sons, Women Leaders in Challenging Times, Women of Faith, Women Rivals, and more.


Thank you to everyone who attended, in-person or online, our Annual Meeting last Sunday. You can see the Annual Report and see the minutes.


Join us on Saturday, February 12, for our diocesan Discipleship Conference! This one-day conference on Zoom will highlight a variety of topics that can help equip us and others for lifelong ministry as disciples of Jesus Christ. All are welcome—clergy, lay leaders, and all disciples! More info and registration:

Daily Covid Cases can be found for Gloucester County here.

Lectionary readings for this week:  Isaiah 6:1-8 [9-13], 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Luke 5:1-11, Psalm 138

Lectionary readings for next week:  Jeremiah 17:5-10, 1 Corinthians 15:12-20, Luke 6:17-26, Psalm 1

Please continue in your daily prayers for:  Dennis, Marge, Joann, Lou, Jennifer, Marilyn, Mary Esther, Ginny, Lenore, Lois, Erik, Anna, Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, TX, Chris, Noah, Lily, Laura, Stephanie, Deborah, John, Janis, Joe, Josh, Kate, Chuck

Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to

The church calendar can be seen at for a list of upcoming events. Please help us keep it current (and avoid hurt feelings) by sending updates to the church office (

Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!

Watch us live on Twitch Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 10:30am!

Full-text of the liturgy is available at


Winter 2022 at St. Thomas’

  • Holy Eucharist in the Parish Hall and Streaming online: Sundays, 10:30am
  • Bible Study on Women in the Bible Online:  Sundays, 7pm
  • Centering Prayer Online: Mondays, 4pm
  • Holy Eucharist at the Lychgate: Wednesdays, 5.30pm
  • Holy Eucharist in the Nave and Streaming online: Saturdays, 5:30pm


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Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany

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Snowy Weekend

It’s snowy this weekend! Please use caution if coming to church, and consider joining us online instead. The gravel parking lot will not be plowed.

The Covid-19 infection rates for Gloucester county are coming down, but still dangerously high. For your own sake and that of others, please only come to church if you are fully vaccinated and have no sign of a sniffle or cough.  Masks are required regardless of vaccination status. Services can be viewed online by going to

Bible Study: Join us on Zoom Sunday night at 7pm as we engage with Women in the Bible: An eight week look at the key women in the Bible, their stories, their challenges and their roles in leadership, faith, and evangelism.

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Parish Email for Friday, 28 January 2022


Join us Sunday at about 11.45 (ten minutes after the Eucharist ends) for the St. Thomas’ Annual Meeting. All adults (16 & up) in “good standing” (baptized, attend regularly, contribute regularly, not eligible to hold vote in another parish) are invited to vote. Check out the voting guide and also read last year’s minutes so that we can dispatch our business efficiently.

The Postal Service is delivering one shipment of 4 free COVID tests per residential address.  Enter your name, address and email to get yours:


Our Sunday night Bible Study continues on 30 January with our series on Women in the Bible. Join us online at 7pm on Sunday nights through the season of Epiphany for a look at key women in the Bible, their stories, their challenges and their roles in leadership, faith, and evangelism. Topics will include, Mothers and Daughters, Mothers and Sons, Women Leaders in Challenging Times, Women of Faith, Women Rivals, and more.


The American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive at the Parish House on Friday, 4 February from 2pm – 7pm.  Appointments are not necessary, but preferred.  To sign up, call 1-800-REDCROSS, online here or scanning the QR code below.

Join us on Saturday, February 12, for our diocesan Discipleship Conference! This one-day conference on Zoom will highlight a variety of topics that can help equip us and others for lifelong ministry as disciples of Jesus Christ. All are welcome—clergy, lay leaders, and all disciples! More info and registration:

Daily Covid Cases can be found for Gloucester County here.

Lectionary readings for this week:  Jeremiah 1:4-10, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Luke 4:21-30, Psalm 71:1-6

Lectionary readings for next week:  Isaiah 6:1-8 [9-13], 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, Luke 5:1-11, Psalm 138

Please continue in your daily prayers for: Dennis, Marge, Joann, Lou, Jennifer, Marilyn, Mary Esther, Dot, Joe, Makayla, Ben, Patches, Katie, Jade, Ralph, Ginny, Kate, Lenore, Lois, Erik, Anna, Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, TX, Chris, Noah, Lily, Laura, Stephanie, Deborah, John, Janis, Joe

Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to

The church calendar can be seen at for a list of upcoming events. Please help us keep it current (and avoid hurt feelings) by sending updates to the church office (

Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!

Watch us live on Twitch Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 10:30am!

Full-text of the liturgy is available at


Winter 2022 at St. Thomas’

  • Holy Eucharist in the Parish Hall and Streaming online: Sundays, 10:30am
  • Bible Study on Women in the Bible Online:  Sundays, 7pm
  • Centering Prayer Online: Mondays, 4pm
  • Holy Eucharist at the Lychgate: Wednesdays, 5.30pm
  • Holy Eucharist in the Nave and Streaming online: Saturdays, 5:30pm


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Holy Eucharist for the Third Sunday after Epiphany

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Parish Email for Friday, 21 January 2022


The Postal Service is delivering one shipment of 4 free COVID tests per residential address.  Enter your name, address and email to get yours:


Our Sunday night Bible Study continues on 23 January with our series on Women in the Bible. Join us online at 7pm on Sunday nights through the season of Epiphany for a look at key women in the Bible, their stories, their challenges and their roles in leadership, faith, and evangelism. Topics will include, Mothers and Daughters, Mothers and Sons, Women Leaders in Challenging Times, Women of Faith, Women Rivals, and more.


The American Red Cross is hosting a blood drive at the Parish House on Friday, 4 February from 2pm – 7pm.  Appointments are not necessary, but preferred.  To sign up, call 1-800-REDCROSS, online here or scanning the QR code below.

Join us on Saturday, February 12, for our diocesan Discipleship Conference! This one-day conference on Zoom will highlight a variety of topics that can help equip us and others for lifelong ministry as disciples of Jesus Christ. All are welcome—clergy, lay leaders, and all disciples! More info and registration:

The Diocese of New Jersey is offering a Youth Focused Anti-Racism Workshop (with our own Aviva F. helping lead!). Starting this Sunday, 23 January, at 6pm and continuing for three more weeks. Register at

Anti-Racism Training for adults is offered as a winter session beginning Friday, 21 January at 7pm and continuing for three additional meetings. Register at

A reminder that St. Thomas’ is taking every precaution to ensure the safety of all persons that walk through our doors.  Check out these Covid 19 Resources for more information

Daily Covid Cases can be found for Gloucester County here.

Lectionary readings for this week:  Nehemiah 8:1-3, 5-6, 8-10, 1 Corinthians 12:12-31a, Luke 4:14-21, Psalm 19

Lectionary readings for next week:  Jeremiah 1:4-10, 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, Luke 4:21-30, Psalm 71:1-6

Please continue in your daily prayers for:  Dennis, Marge, Joann, Lou, Jennifer, Jackie, Gary, Sandy, Marilyn, Tal, Mary Esther, Ruth, Ed, Christine, Nancy, Dot, Clare, Joe, Makayla, Ben, Patches, Katie, Jade, Ralph, Ginny, Kate, Lenore, Lois, Erik, Anna, Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, TX, Chris, Noah, Lily, Laura, Stephanie, Deborah

Announcements for the parish email are due via email by noon on Wednesday of each week. You can email them to

The church calendar can be seen at for a list of upcoming events. Please help us keep it current (and avoid hurt feelings) by sending updates to the church office (

Are you serving in liturgy? Check the rota!

Watch us live on Twitch Saturdays at 5:30pm and Sundays at 10:30am!

Full-text of the liturgy is available at


Winter 2022 at St. Thomas’

  • Holy Eucharist in the Parish Hall and Streaming online: Sundays, 10:30am
  • Bible Study on Women in the Bible Online:  Sundays, 7pm
  • Centering Prayer Online: Mondays, 4pm
  • Holy Eucharist at the Lychgate: Wednesdays, 5.30pm
  • Holy Eucharist in the Nave and Streaming online: Saturdays, 5:30pm


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